706 Mission St - Mexican Museum

San Francisco, CA

The 120,000 SF, 10-Story Aronson Building was originally constructed in 1903 with major renovation performed in 1979. It survived both the 1906 earthquake and fire and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Silverado Contractors was contracted to perform the demolition of existing non-historic north and west building additions, stairs, fire escapes, roof, basement slab, and associated utilities in addition to selective demolition of existing interior floors, walls, and exterior facades. 

In addition to the interior and selective hard demolition of the Aronson Building as well as the interior demolition, of the 3-story and 10-story annex structures and structural demolition of the Agency parcel included the removal of 3,500 CY of structural concrete in the Mat slab and then the structural excavation of 70,000 yards of soil from the basement to make room for the new basement for the 50-story new tower.